The team has been struck with its share of setbacks lately - Which has caused a
temporary slowdown. Lack of time, lack of Internet access..and an upcoming holiday to boot. (Remember mother's day is fast approaching) But the project overall has really built up steam. It has been a long time coming, but after working (and re-working) many of our initial ideas into something manageable we are excited to dig into the meat of this project on a shot by shot basis.
One thing that hasn't been discussed much is the
Preproduction process we started way back when this project was in its infancy. Gathering references, script revisions, and really almost
discovering the visual style we ultimately hoped to achieve. This is something I hope to cover in more detail in a future post.
This project was something that started slowly, almost as a notion of what we hoped to get across with our work. The project, the script, the reference photography, at one point, were in a constant state of evolution. One person would share an idea or photo and create a new tangent to explore, sparking new ideas, or refinements to existing ones. In the beginning to some extent it felt like the old adage 'one step forward - two steps back'
In retrospect however, all of the re-writing and re-working of ideas, themes, styles and goals taught us valuable lessons. Every step along the way we would pick up a better way to do something, a clearer vision of the finished work, or some pearl of wisdom that would take us one step closer to our goal.
It should be noted, that while we are choosing to create more of a trailer type of sequence and moving away from a true narrative - the back story - the mythology in which these scenes take place has been developed quite thoroughly.
I think sculpture is an apt metaphor in this case because we really started with the vaguest notion of what we wanted. As Barry and I began to bring all of our ideas and influences together, (All the while learning from those who have proceeded us both in style and technique) slowly things began to take shape.
Now as we move into bringing these experiences to bear on actual shots, I am as excited as ever to see what the future holds. At every stage there are opportunities to learn, to explore, and to share our experiences with others en