Saturday, March 31, 2007

Buildings, Buildings, Buildings - All in fabulous grayscale!

...I am aching to get out of flat, gray animatic world.

Got a fair amount of good work done today, moving cameras around the city, pacing shots, trying to figure out if the first act of the film works at all. I think it does, but not being able use the girl made some shots hard to evaluate. Right now, unpopulated, only the shots where the camera's moving look good. The locked shots, where the girl will be moving look, well, dull.

In the grand scheme of things that's no big deal. One big part of this phase of the animatic is to establish topology. At the moment, all the streets are dead flat planes. There's not even a degree of elevation which calls a lot of attention to the unreal-ness of the space. In a real city there are small rises, hills that were never razed, depressions, streets that are banked for rainwater run-off...that's the next thing to add to the scene.

In between shots I've been surfing the forums, particularly the character modeling threads and my next project, after this, is gonna be some whacked out game/movie character.

Will probably post a screen of the city tomorrow.

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